
Content that I pay for

May 4, 2019 (updated on March 15, 2022)

Recently, someone asked me how much I’m paying for content. I had to admit that I didn’t really know. So I compiled this list – turns out it’s between $2000 and $3000 per year.


  • The Atlantic – $50. Outstanding reporting and explanatory pieces on Covid19 that I just wanted to support with a subscription.
  • Quartz — $50. One of the most inspiring media companies that keeps reinventing itself. Back in startup mode after a management buyout, one more reason to support it.
  • Meduza – $100. One of the last independent Russian outlets, in dire need of money to keep going.
  • Every — $200. A newsletter collective that is perfect for curious generalists (*cough*) who like deep dives into a broad range of topics.
  • Lenny’s Newsletter — $150. Even while on the free tier, I gained so many valuable insights to product thinking that it’s only fair that I support the newsletter with a subscription.
  • Dummy – $32. A German magazine, six monothematic issues per year, usually great at finding unconventional approaches to well-worn topics.
  • The New York Times – $160. I pay for it because a) what they do is valuable and I want them to be able to continue to do so, and b) they produce so much outstanding visual journalism that I’d keep hitting their paywall.
  • Washington Post – $19. I have actually no idea how I ended up with such a cheap subscription. The reasons for subscribing are pretty much the same as for the NYT, but if it were a lot more expensive, this is probably the one of those two I’d cancel.
  • Republik – $240. 50% to support friends with their startup venture, 50% to support the great journalism they produce.
  • Bergwelten – $72. Another print magazine, serves as inspiration for new hiking adventures.
  • Audible – $132. I’ve never been into audiobooks — until I was. Since becoming a dad, I find myself in a lot of situations where reading is not an option, but listening is.
  • Audm – $57. An app that lets me listen to longform content (from publications like The Atlantic, NYT, Atavist, Outside, etc.). Since I already read a lot of long articles, having some of them read by professional readers is nice for a change.
  • Spotify – $156. I need music everywhere, Spotify lets me listen to more or less anything I want, whenever I want.
  • Netflix – $240. Well…


  • Wikipedia – $200-$500. For more than ten years now, I’ve donated to Wikipedia, amounts varying depending on how much spare money I have at the end of the year. I do so because it’s still by far the best entry point to knowledge of any sort and I want to support that — both for myself, but mainly for anyone else who might depend on a free source of information more than I do.
  • Our World in Data – $200-$500. I’ve been using their work for a long time, both professionally and privately. Their research, data analysis and contextualisation on topics like climate change or Covid-19 is immensely valuable, all open source and free to use and reuse. It only feels right to support it with a donation.
  • The Guardian – $55. I like how they remain committed to keeping their content free to everyone. So I pay not to gain access, but to allow them to produce high quality journalism for everyone. What’s more, The Guardian is (and has been for a while) more serious about covering the climate crisis than pretty much every other major news organisation.
  • What Happened Last Week? – $48. Sham delivers a briefing on what’s happening in the parts of the world most others neglect. It’s obvious that a lot of work goes into this, so please take my money!
  • Craig Mod – $100. I’ve been a fan of Craig’s work ever since I met him in Tokyo in 2009. Glad to pay a bit so he can do even more of it.

Plus: Books, tons of books.

Oh, and since you seem to be interested in paid content: Do you already know my newsletter Weekly Filet which you could also pay for? 🙂

Hello, nice to meet you. I'm David Bauer. I’m a journalist by training, a product person by conviction, and a generalist at heart. I love complex issues and helping people navigate them. Learn more →

📨 hello@davidbauer.ch 🤝 LinkedIn

Weekly Filet newsletter logo

Make sense of what’s happening, and imagine what could be. My newsletter for nerds and changemakers who love when something makes them go «Huh, I never thought of it this way!». Trusted by thousands around the world, since 2011.

Past work

I have worked for startups and large companies.
As a journalist, strategist, product lead.

I have written stories and strategies.
I have built products and teams.

I have hired, mentored and promoted people.
I have navigated and accelerated transformation.
Pushed for and nurtured culture change.

I have wrangled data and code.
For insights and data visualisations.
Even a series of games.

And a ton of other things that got me excited.

If there’s one thing that runs through it all,
it’s my love for connecting dots and trying new things.

Neue Zürcher Zeitung, The Guardian, Quartz, Republik, Refind, Livingdocs, Radio Free Europe, Der Spiegel, Das Magazin, Tages-Anzeiger, SonntagsZeitung, TagesWoche, Schweizerische Depeschenagentur, Echtzeit Verlag, MAZ Journalistenschule, TEDxZurich, Bluewin, and some more.

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